City: Kyiv

Project manager: Serhii Naida

Technology Readiness Level: TRL 5

The newest ultrasonic therapy device with an original wide-band piezo emitter, with a frequency band of 1-3 MHz, is offered, which allows to cover simultaneously the entire range of ultrasound therapy, that significantly increases the efficiency of the device, and also to carry out a treatment procedure without continuously moving the piezo emitter, as it is happened in narrow-band analogs.

This also significantly increases the safety and convenience of the procedure, and allows to be carried out even at home. Such a need can arise very often, since ultrasound therapeutic devices are widely used in cosmetology, as well as for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases of the peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and internal organs.

The original high-frequency wattmeter and float-type radiometer were used to control the contact of the piezo emitter with the human body and to measure the emitted ultrasound dose.

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